{% compresshtml %} {{ render(controller( 'App\\Controller\\BaseController::metaTags', { 'metaTags': metaTags|default([]) } )) }} {% block stylesheets %} {% for file in encore_entry_css_files('styles') %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {{ include('base/headScripts.html.twig') }}
{{ ads is defined ? ads.printAd('mobile', 'sticky')|raw : '' }}
{{ ads is defined ? ads.printAd('desktop', 'sticky')|raw : '' }}
{{ include('base/specialAds.html.twig') }} {{ include('notification/confirmationBox.html.twig') }} {{ include('notification/notificationSettings.html.twig') }} {{ include('header/refreshNews.html.twig') }} {{ include('header/mobilePanel.html.twig') }} {% if app.request.get('webview') is defined and app.request.get('webview') != 2 %} {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\BaseController::getHeader')) }} {% endif %}
{{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\BaseController::liveNews')) }} {% block body %}{% endblock %}
{{ include('base/footer.html.twig') }} {% if pageType is defined and pageType == 'news' %} {% endif %} {{ include('base/includes.html.twig') }} {# NOT GOOGLE ADS #} {#{{ include('base/jubnaScripts.html.twig') }} #} {% block javascripts %} {% for file in encore_entry_js_files('app') %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {# {{ include('sdk/adpushup.html.twig') }} #} {##} {% endcompresshtml %}