{% if programVideos|length > 0 %} {% for i,programVideo in programVideos %}
{% if programVideo.youtube %} {% elseif programVideo.dailymotion %} {% endif %}
{{ programVideo.publishDate }}
{{ programVideo.title }}
{% if ads is defined and ads and (i + 1) % 6 == 0 and i > 0 %} {% set adIndex = (i + 1) / 6 %}
{{ ads.printAd('desktop', 'relateVideos', adIndex)|raw }}
{{ ads.printAd('mobile', 'relateVideos', adIndex, 1)|raw }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# {% for programVideo in mostViewedVideos %}#} {# {% if loop.index < 14 and loop.index > 1 %}#} {#
#} {# #} {#
#} {# #} {# {% if programVideo.youtube %}#} {# #} {# {% elseif programVideo.dailymotion %}#} {# #} {# {% endif %}#} {# #} {#
#} {#
#} {#
{{ programVideo.publishDate }}
#} {#
{{ programVideo.title }}
#} {# #} {#
#} {# {% endif %}#} {# {% endfor %}#}