{% extends 'statistics/structure.html.twig' %} {% block pageContent %} {% include 'statistics/matches/matchInfo.html.twig' %} {#
{% if not lineUps is empty %}

{{ '_LINEUP_PLAYERS_'|trans }}

{% for lineUp in lineUps %}
{% for player in lineUp.main %} {% endfor %}
{{ player.shirtNumber }} {{ player.matchName }} {% if player.substituted is defined and player.substituted %} {% endif %} {% if player.goal is defined and player.goal %} {{ player.goal }}' {% endif %} {% if player.card is defined and player.card %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if showSubstitutes %}

{{ '_BENCH_'|trans }}

{% for lineUp in lineUps %}
{% for player in lineUp.substitute %} {% endfor %}
{{ player.shirtNumber }} {{ player.matchName }} {% if player.substituted is defined and player.substituted %} {% endif %} {% if player.goal is defined and player.goal %} {{ player.goal }}' {% endif %} {% if player.card is defined and player.card %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if stats is defined and not stats is empty %}

{{ '_STATS_'|trans }}

{% set i = 0 %} {% for label,stat in stats %} {% if i %} {% set pct_0 = (stat[0] / (stat[0] + stat[1])) * 100 %} {% set pct_1 = (stat[1] / (stat[0] + stat[1])) * 100 %} {% set label_0 = stat[0] %} {% set label_1 = stat[1] %} {% else %} {% set pct_0 = stat[0] %} {% set pct_1 = stat[1] %} {% set label_0 = pct_0 %} {% set label_1 = pct_1 %} {% endif %}
{% if pct_0 >= 33.33 or i %}{{ label_0 }}{% if not i %}%{% endif %}{% else %} {% endif %} {% if pct_0 < 33.33 and (not i or not label_0) %}{{ label_0|default(0) }}{% if not i %}%{% endif %}{% endif %}
{{ label }}
{% if pct_1 >= 33.33 or i %}{{ label_1 }}{% if not i %}%{% endif %}{% else %} {% endif %} {% if pct_1 < 33.33 and (not i or not label_1) %}{{ label_1|default(0) }}{% if not i %}%{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% set i = i + 1 %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if referees %} {% include 'statistics/matches/referees.html.twig' %} {% endif %}
{# #} {% endblock %}